Homeschool: God’s Mandate For Parents

That’s a big title, I know. And I bet you didn’t know that God requires that His people homeschool their kids. But it’s there. Just look at Deuteronomy 6:4-9~

4 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.

7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. – Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Ok, so He’s not talking necessarily about academically educating your children at home. BUT, He is talking about educating your children at home. Our faith in Jesus Christ is not to be a one day a week experience. God commands parents to not only walk with Him themselves, but to teach their children to walk with Him, as well. It is NOT the Church’s primary responsibility to disciple your children- it is primarily the parents’ responsibility to train up their children to know and love the Lord. There is so much rich instruction given in these verses. God does not require that our kids go through a formal curriculum or that they go through a confirmation class- though those things are good and worthy of our time. But God desires for Christian parents to saturate their homes with talk of His goodness, His love, His instructions, His promises. Above all, He wants parents to teach their kids not to be good people, but to be people who can’t help but do good things because they are so consumed by their love of God which permeates every aspect of their being: their heart, soul and might.

It is our conviction, that one of the best ways to convey this love is by home educating our children. This is our strongest motivator for homeschooling. The public school system is certainly NOT going to teach our kids to love the Lord. Their peers at school (on the whole) are not going to teach them to love the Lord. But if we educate them at home, for better or for worse, we (their parent’s) get to be their biggest influencers. And you better believe, we feel the weight of that responsibility.

The curriculum used public schools (and most private schools, for that matter) will not teach them to love the Lord. When homeschooling, we get to choose what curriculum we use. We opt to use Christ-centered curriculum that points our children to the truths of God’s Word- whether we examine the character and choices of men throughout history, examine science through the lens of scripture, marvel at God’s orderly character through math, or read literature examining the worldview and choices of characters.

Finally and most importantly, we can open up God’s Word every day together, pray, discuss what the Word means and how it applies to our lives (and your kids don’t have to be academically educated at home to do that!). It is our greatest delight to intercede for others with our children, to hear them ask questions about God’s Word and to see them choose to seek Him on their own. But these beautiful jewels of love for the Lord and character growth are not accidents. They are also not works that we can fabricate or magically produce as parents. They are gifts of grace from God- a beautiful blessing as we pour the love of God into our kids and watch Him grow them from the inside out.

Our kids are not perfect. They are as flawed and sinful as their mom and dad. Homeschooling is not perfect. Every homeschooling family struggles in different ways. But it is a gift from God to spend quantity and quality time with our kids, influencing them to love and follow hard after the Lord who loves them so much, “He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

If you would like to hear more about WHY we chose to homeschool, click on this link to see my latest video: The Top 10 Reasons Why We Chose to Homeschool

How do YOU deliberately influence your kids to follow Christ? We’d love to hear what that looks like in your family, so PLEASE, share in the comments below!!

Until next time, keep doing life deliberately,


4 thoughts on “Homeschool: God’s Mandate For Parents

  1. I love this! Although we do not homeschool our children we do work hard to intentionally disciple our children. We use a variety of resources in order to keep it fresh and exciting as they are learning. We read the Bible together (currently working on a 1-year plan), Westminster catechism, currently using the New City Catechism, Bible keyword cards, reading missionary biographies, and keeping dialogue open when it comes to the difference between our culture and what God wants for us, etc. This year I would like to focus on more scripture memory and focused prayer time as a family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stephanie, this is AWESOME!! What great tools you are using to disciple your kids!! Clearly you have prayerfully thought through how to pass your faith into your kids, and that passion will shine through as you purpose to honor the Lord in your parenting. This is exactly what I want Doing Life Deliberately to be about encouraging others to do! Thanks for taking time to read and comment!!❤️


    • Hi Amanda! Thanks for sharing! Discipling our kids is the number one reason we continue to homeschool- there is so much opportunity to point out God at work in the world through our studies. It was at a homeschool conference that we were challenged by a speaker that everything we study should point to God: HI(Story), His mighty hand and creativity in nature and science, His orderliness in math, His beauty in art and music, etc. You can do that when your kids attend school, but it takes a GREAT deal of intentionality by mom and dad to stay on top of what Kids are learning to be able to seize those opportunities. Of course, you can open up the Scriptures and have family worship regardless of Kids going to school or Home educating! Regardless of what you decide, I pray that God will give you wisdom and help you to seize every opportunity to pour the love of Christ into your children. ❤️


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